Game Guides!

Monkey Fist

1. Go to the very left of long beach and go up to Master Wu Lee.

2. Click on Play!
3. Once at least two people have joined the game, it will soon begin!
4. Once the game has begun you have 4 choices of moves-

Crazy Crane, Trusty Tiger, Sneaky Snake and Double Dragon
5. If you do the same move that Master Wu Lee (the guy on the left) does, you get out!
6. The main aim of the game is to be the last monkey standing, and that is when the game ends!
7. In this game you receive 10 Banana Chips for every round you get through, and 3 Banana Chips for every round that you watch, even if you get out, you still get the 3 Banana Chips for watching each round!
8. If you win a match you progress towards your next "Arm Band" for each belt you get a in-game clothing item and a flag for your tree-house! The arm band colors are- White, Yellow, Orange, Red, Purple, Blue, Green, Brown and Black!

Go Go Green

This fun and addictive game is similar to the old classic game Bejeweled! Here's how to play!
1. Walk up to Flip at the Recycle Center, then click on the "PLAY" button underneath where it says "Tell me about Go Go Green"!
2. The main aim of this game is to line up three or more of the same item!
3. To swap one of the items with another one you click on the two items that you need to swap.
4. If you get 4 of the same items in a row, one of the same type item with sparkles like this will appear.

 After you get this and then you either make it go or it gets to Final Rewards all of the items around the sparkling item will also go with it.
5. If you get 5 of the same items in a row, one of the same type item with sparkles like this will appear.
 After you get this and then you either make it go or it gets to Final Rewards all of the items in the same row or column will also go with it.
6. You also have a time limit for the game and if you recycle 20 of the same type of item you receive a "brick" item which can be used to buy a Robot.


Monkey Flight

Tic Tac Poo
